Quality coverage for a productive, healthy and safe workplace.
Workers’ compensation insurance covers the cost of care for employees injured on the job or in auto accidents while on business. It also protects against work-related illness. We’ll work to find you the best solution for your business to create a productive, healthy and safe workplace.
Workers’ compensation insurance in Mount Juliet and throughout Tennessee.
Workers’ compensation insurance, sometimes known as workers’ comp, is an investment in the safety of your workforce as well as a legal necessity in some jurisdictions.
The specific regulations differ from state to state, but generally speaking, your company is required to get workers’ compensation insurance for employees that provides benefits in the event that they sustain an occupational injury.
In theory, workers’ compensation benefits will pay for medical expenses, care expenses, and a percentage of any lost wages. Additionally, workers’ compensation insurance will pay for burial expenses and death benefits in the worst-case situation.
Workers comp law and penalties are often very harsh and lean heavily in favor of the employee, not the employer. Carrying quality workers’ compensation coverage can help protect your business, as well as your employees, to make sure they get the medical care and treatments they need so they can recover quickly and return to work.
Many workers’ compensation insurance policies go beyond the legal minimums and will also pay your legal costs if an employee sues over a workplace injury.
Workers’ comp coverage can often be included in a package policy such as a Business Owners Policy (BOP), General Liability or a Professional Liability insurance policy. Or it can be purchased on its own as a monoline policy.
We’re here ready to help you find the best workers’ compensation insurance coverage for your business.
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Over 100 Years
of Combined Experience
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Any Questions You May Have
Insurance is an arrangement between a company that provides a guaranteed compensation for a specific loss in return for a payment of premium.
A deductible is the amount of money you pay out of pocket toward a covered claim.
The cost of insurance depends on the type of policy you need and many other factors. Speak to an agent today for a quote.
If you have employees, carrying quality workers comp coverage can be a requirement in some places, and essential to protecting your business. If they’re injured while working, your business will likely be held responsible for their care.