Coverage for your assets in the event of a natural disaster.
Even if you don’t live in a high-risk location for flooding, it could still happen to you. Even if you are not in a flood zone, we will offer the specialist coverage you require to assist safeguard your house from rising waters.
Flood insurance in Mount Juliet and throughout Tennessee.
Even if you don’t live in a high-risk location for flooding, it could still happen to you. Even if you are not in a flood zone, we will offer the specialist coverage you require to assist safeguard your house from rising waters.
You might be taking a risk by purchasing flood insurance if you believe these common falsehoods.
The first is that only residents of declared flood zones require flood insurance. In truth, flooding is a risk that may occur anywhere, and the damage it causes can be catastrophic.
Another untruth is that flood insurance is always a part of homeowner’s insurance. In truth, it is uncommon, so unless your homeowners insurance policy specifically states otherwise, you should always assume you are not insured.
The third myth is that flood insurance has been taken care of by government initiatives. The National Flood Insurance Program ensures that insurance is offered in certain locations. This, however, only applies to a very small portion of American dwellings.
What are the chances I need Flood Insurance?
Floods are a low-likelihood but high-cost issue for the majority of houses. If your home is flooded, you can lose most or all of your personal belongings, have to do extensive reconstruction work, and spend months without a place to live while your home is being made habitable again. Most of the time, taking a risk by not having flood insurance is something you simply cannot afford to do.
Call us today, and we’ll assist in outlining the advantages of acquiring a separate flood insurance policy.
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Any Questions You May Have
Flood Insurance is coverage that will pay for damage to your home due to a flood or rising water.
Flood damage is NOT covered on most home insurance policies. Speak with an agent today to see if your policy includes flood or to get a flood policy quote.
The cost of flood insurance will depend on the amount of coverage needed and the flood zone where your home is located. Speak to an agent today to get a quote.
If your home is located in or near a high risk flood zone, you should definitely carry flood insurance. Your mortgage company may also require it.