Solutions to provide for your family.
You can’t put a monetary value on your family, but you can protect their future. Predicting when the unexpected will strike is impossible, but we’ll help you be prepared for when it happens.
Individual life insurance in Mt. Juliet and throughout Tennessee.
The biggest investment you can possibly make in the security of your loved ones is probably individual life insurance. Though it’s a challenging field, don’t let it deter you. We’ll be pleased to go over your options with you.
Types of Life Insurance
The first step is to choose the type of life insurance you wish to purchase. Term life, whole life, and universal life insurance are the most popular forms.
To put it simply, term life insurance only pays out if you pass away within the specified time frame. You pay recurring premiums for the policy’s duration.
With whole life insurance, there’s no set end date. You pay premiums each month and it covers you until you die, which is when it the policy pays out. Some whole life policies include options to take out a lump sum against the policy while still alive, but this reduces the face amount paid out when you pass.
Universal life insurance is similar to whole life insurance, but you have more options about getting money early while still alive. Like a loan, you can even borrow money and pay it back at a later time; However, if there’s any unpaid loan balance when you die, the policy’s payout can be heavily affected.
In addition to the face amount (amount you want the policy to pay out), premiums are primarily based on your age and medical history. It’s vital to speak to an expert before you make any commitments to a life insurance policy.
Call us today and we’ll go through the options with you to help you to determine which life insurance policy and amount is right for you.
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Insurance is an arrangement between a company that provides a guaranteed compensation for a specific loss in return for a payment of premium.
A deductible is the amount of money you pay out of pocket toward a covered claim.
Life insurance is based primarily off your age, medical history and face amount. Speak to an agent today to get a quote.
Life insurance provides you with peace of mind knowing those left behind will taken care of. It can pay for your burial, outstanding debts, college funds for your children, or anything else.